Category: Laws + Regulations

Comparing the Drinking Age and Alcohol Laws between Germany and the United States

A stereotype about Germany is that it is Oktoberfest all year long, and that most Germans drink more beer and wine than water. While it is true that Germans drink their fair share of beer (3rd most per person in the world vs the US checking in at number 14), the attitude of beer drinking ...

Find Out the 25 Things Only an American Expat in Germany Can Truly Understand

Okay, so it has been two years since we moved from the US to Germany. Before we moved, we took German lessons, researched the area online, made some early visits to find a place to live, & talked to fellow German colleagues living in the States as well as American colleagues who had already moved ...

How to Obtain a German Drivers License? Study, Study, and Oh Yeah — Study!

Wo bin ich gewesen?   Where have I been?  That is a great question.  When I started this blog, I either had downtime in an airport or hotel or was just starting the new job in Germany, so free time was a luxury..  With me now being 7 months into my new job and 9 ...

Show Me Your Papers – See What Is Involved in Getting a Work Permit, Residence Permit, and City Registration in Germany

Moving to another country is challenging from the aspect of all the required documentation needed.  You can't just simply show up and expect to stay indefinitely without the proper paperwork.  Well, okay, you can, but we're talking about entering a country legally 🙂 I'm sure each country is different, but these were our experiences becoming ...

International House Hunters – Apartment Hunting in Germany

One constant that Amanda & I have shared over our past ten years together is that we have moved quite a bit.  We have moved between apartments, between cities, between States, between houses, and now between Countries.  With websites like or various Realtor sites in the US, we had tools available to us to ...