Category: USA

Spending a Weekend in Savannah, Georgia

A trip to Savannah, Georgia, is the perfect destination in the US for a quick weekend getaway. This is exactly what we did a week before Thanksgiving 2021, and the weather was absolutely perfect. While Savannah can be a hot, humid destination, in mid-November, the conditions are so comfortable and pleasant. We flew down from ...

The 14 Typical Questions from Family & Friends about Living in Germany

In June, I visited home in the United States, and it was the first time back in almost 2 years. I was home for only one week, and the time flew by. From visiting different family members and friends, the days just went by very fast. Before I knew it, I was back home in ...


I Will Be Traveling Soon – An American Expat’s Ode to Home

This is a short blog post to share a little (poem?) that I wrote about going home to North Carolina this weekend.  The inspiration came because one of the last things I do at night is to take our dog Barney outside for a quick walk.  And, this past Sunday night at 10:30pm, I was amazed ...

Find Out the Fast Food Differences in Germany Compared to the US

One of the best or worst things about America, depending on your viewpoint, is the prevalence of so many fast food places in even the smallest of towns.  From the chain places like McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc. to local burger or pizza places, America does not lack for easily finding fast food. In ...

Find Out the Differences between American vs German Homes: it’s where the heart is.

For anyone who has traveled around the US, you have seen many styles and sizes of homes, primarily built from wood or brick materials. And, unless it was a custom-built home, most homes in American subdivisions tend to be very "cookie cutter" homes with only slight differences in appearance. Visiting and living in Germany, sprawling ...

Find Out the 25 Things Only an American Expat in Germany Can Truly Understand

Okay, so it has been two years since we moved from the US to Germany. Before we moved, we took German lessons, researched the area online, made some early visits to find a place to live, & talked to fellow German colleagues living in the States as well as American colleagues who had already moved ...

How Did Today’s Christmas Traditions Start in America? Here’s a Hint German Christmas Markets.

Christmas in Germany is my favorite time of year! As a child growing up in the US, I always loved Christmas, and now living in Germany I feel as if I am living inside of a Christmas storybook come to life, since most of the images we Americans have of Christmas have their origins from ...


Do You Know about St. Nicolas Day in Germany? Do You Know the History & Origin of Santa Claus vs. Saint Nicolas?

As a child and even today, my favorite image of Christmas is "Santa Claus".  Who would not love a figure that brings you gifts, right?  Before moving to Germany, I never really gave much thought into the origin of Santa Claus, or why he had so many names (e.g., St. Nick, St. Nicolas, Kris Kringle, ...

See the Differences of Celebrating Birthdays between US & Germany

So, with October 3rd being my birthday, I thought it would interesting to post the differences in traditions associated with birthdays between the US and Germany.  Obviously this post provides general differences, but these can vary depending on the region of each country as well as the origin of the people involved.  In other words, ...

I Have Learned Why in America that Sometimes It Is Necessary to Press #2 for Spanish

This is a follow-up post to my earlier one regarding the challenges of learning German.  I wanted to have a separate post that related to that topic, as this topic warrants its own preaching moment from my soap, here it goes.... There is a famous quote by Mark Twain that goes like this: “Travel ...